Last week, I voted against the Green Line proposal that envisions an elevated downtown alignment and saddles the City of Calgary with a greater share of costs and risks.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. My remarks from the January 28, 2025 meeting of Calgary City Council.
Green Line Risks and Costs: Reflecting on AECOM's Downtown Alignment
The City has identified $1.3 billion in known costs and risks that were not included in the AECOM proposal.
Budget Adjustments Recap
Calgary City Council protected the Low Income Transit Pass, protected community funding for programs like the HELP team (formerly DOAP team) and the Distress Centre, invested in Downtown safety for everyone, “fixed” the potholes with more investment in streets, and accelerated the development of more housing around our train stations – all while keeping the tax rate below inflation and population growth.
November Budget Adjustments
Calgarians are facing a rising cost-of-living, with housing and groceries seeing the highest increases. Calgary is expected to add 75,000 people by the end of 2024. This means more Calgarians than ever are making use of City services and infrastructure.
UCP Minister Dreeshen Kills the Green Line in Historic Flip-Flop, Puts Thousands of Calgary Jobs at Risk
Devin Dreeshen at a Donald Trump election night event in New York City on November 8, 2016.
(Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Green Light for the Green Line
Many have tried to delay and even stop the Green Line - no matter who it helps and who it serves. The Green Line is too important. We cannot delay it until it becomes unaffordable.
Vehicle Noise and Noise Policy Update
Today's June 26, 2024 Community Development Committee included a Response to the Noise Policy Notice of Motion and a Progress Update on Addressing Noisy Vehicles and Community Traffic Safety.
Rezoning for Housing
Rezoning for Housing information session and Q&A. Recorded the evening of April 10, 2024. Featuring Ward 8 Councillor Courtney Walcott and Lisa Kahn, City of Calgary Planning
Resources for Shaping Community: 2501 Richmond and the former Viscount Bennett School
Calgarians expect more from their city
I voted to deliver.
What are your priorities? 2023 Budget Adjustments
On November 20th, Council will consider focused investment opportunities that align closely with the growing needs of Calgarians.
Your Housing Questions, Answered
On September 25, 2023, I hosted a conversation about the recently-approved Housing Strategy. Several questions were submitted online. Answers are provided below.
What's next for housing affordability?
On Saturday, September 16th, Council approved Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy 2023 - 2030. The Strategy includes the recommendations from the Housing and Affordability Task Force, as well as several amendments.
Council Needs to Approve the Housing Strategy in Full
- One week from today, Council’s Community Development Committee will vote on the future of The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy.
- The strategy includes the 33 recommendations from the Housing and Affordability Task Force. Calgarians are welcome to attend and speak to the Committee.
Council Delays Action on Housing Affordability
- On Tuesday June 6th, Council voted 8-7 against accepting the Housing and Affordability Task Force’s recommendations.
- Following some substantial criticism over the course of the following hours, Councillor Pootmans requested a reconsideration of the vote when the Council session reconvened the afternoon of June 7th.
- The recommendations were then amended and approved to be included in the Corporate Affordable Housing Strategy, which will come to the Community Development Committee on September 14th, 2023.
Will Council Act To Tackle Housing Affordability?
Canada is experiencing a housing crisis. The cost of housing has exploded while incomes have struggled to keep up.
Canada Day Fireworks
Let's be thoughtful about how we celebrate.