There’s a lot going on, so here are some highlights:
Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project: Chapter 2
- This engagement phase is open until April 3, 2022. Visit the online portal to participate.
- A virtual session is happening on March 29, from 7:30-8:45 PM; register here if interested.
Pathway and River Clean Up
Youth Hiring Fair – April 07, 2022
- The City of Calgary Youth Employment Centre (YEC) is hosting their annual Youth Hiring Fair on Thursday, April 7 from 1:30 – 6 p.m. at the Big Four Building, Stampede Park (1801 Big Four Trail SE). Learn more about the event at ca/YECHiring or call (403) 268-2490.
Participating at Public Hearings
- Attached is a supplementary document the Ward 8 Office prepared to help guide you in participating in the land use amendment public hearing process. A general overview has always been provided in this Ward 8 Communities Update under the “Combined Meetings of Council and Public Hearings” section.
If you have any questions about what’s included here, please contact your Ward 8 Office rep. If you have any feedback on what’s in this update, please let us know.
Updates for Ward 8 Communities
Reporting a Street Light Outage
Report street light outages using the ‘outage map tool’ on ca/Streetlight. Enter the address or navigate the map to the location of the streetlight, and click the lightbulb icon to see options for reporting.
- Report damaged street lights, light poles, etc., to 311.
Off-Leash Dog Parks 🐶
- The City of Calgary has a map that shows the location of off-leash dog areas in Calgary: calgary.ca/OffLeashDogAreas
- Please pick up after your pooch to keep our parks tidy and welcoming for everyone!
Bankview Community Association Little Free Food Market
Every Tuesday from Noon to 3 PM at 2418 17 ST SW.
- This initiative is intended for Bankview residents, but all are welcome.
If you would like to donate, they are accepting donations of non-perishable food items and unopened hygiene items. You may drop off during the market or email [email protected] to arrange an alternative time.
Injunction in Response to Protest Disturbances in Beltline and Citywide
The City of Calgary sought and was granted a temporary injunction on March 18, 2022. You can read the order on ca, at the top of the page.
The injunction reinforces prohibitions in existing Bylaws and other legislation and specifically prohibits the following:
- Blocking traffic on roads and on sidewalks;
- Walking in the middle of the roadways;
- Preventing vehicles and pedestrians from lawfully passing by or accessing amenities in the area, without authorization or a permit;
- Conduct or activity in a park which unreasonably disturbs the use or enjoyment of the park for other users of the park;
- Hosting an event or using an amplification system in a park without a permit;
- Commercial activity in a park, including but not limited to the operation of vendor stands within Central Memorial Park or other areas without a permit; and
- The unnecessary sounding of horns or other audible warning / noise making devices, including but not limited to vehicle horns, air horns and megaphones.
Why an injunction, and why did The City not act sooner?
- Current bylaws already regulate certain activities, such as imposing size limitations on crowds that are permitted to gather without permits, however, an injunction is one more tool that will support the Calgary Police Service’s enforcement efforts.
- This injunction was granted in recognition of the compounding impact of the long-term community disruption, increase in escalating behaviour and clear intention of participants to continue these activities. The injunction is in effect immediately and will remain in place until a permanent injunction application is heard by the Court.
- It was important for The City to compile sufficient evidence to support the application, which was extensive. Given the compounding impact of the long-term community disruption, increase in escalating behaviour and clear intention of participants to continue these activities, it was imperative that this was done now.
This situation continues to evolve, and we will all be watching closely and endeavor to work with City departments and communicate with the immediately impacted residents and businesses along 17 Ave SW and the Beltline.
Protests/gatherings at Elbow Drive SW and 4 ST SW
We are aware that there have been weekly gatherings/protests on the sidewalks at the intersection of Elbow Drive SW and 4 ST SW, typically on Mondays between 4 and 7 PM. We have received complaints from residents who have been harassed, intimidated, or assaulted when trying to pass this group on various occasions.
The injunction also applies to these events. We encourage people to report incidents of excessive noise (e., the unnecessary sounding of horns or other audible warning / noise making devices including but not limited to vehicle horns, air horns and megaphones), intimidation, blocked sidewalks or roads, or other incidents, to the Calgary Police Service non-emergency line 403-266-1234.
- If you encounter this group and are harassed or assaulted, please call 911.
Reporting to 311
As we do not know what the coming weekends will look like, we continue to encourage residents in Ward 8 to document your experiences and complaints about the protest-related impacts, and report them to 311. This will give The City data on the location, volume, nature, and severity of the recurring impact of these activities on residents and businesses. This will also assist CPS in tracking activities and enforcing the injunction.
You will need to provide your name and contact information. This information will remain confidential. No anonymous complaints will be accepted—you must identify yourself to the 311 Service Representative. Find out more here: ca/311.
Examples of issues:
Submit a 311 request/complaint by:
Make sure you note the:
For emergency or criminal situations, call:
· noise;
· traffic impacts;
· vandalism (e.g., spray paint, stickers, posters); and/or
· other public concerns.
· calling 311;
· using the 311 website portal; or
· 311 mobile app
· issue;
· date(s) and time(s) the issue occurred;
· specific location where it occurred;
· specific details about the issue.
· 911 if you are in or witness an emergency situation;
· 403-266-1234 (non-emergency police line) to report non-urgent police concerns.
The Ward Community Event Fund
- Is available year round to support community associations or community-based groups hosting events or other community initiatives. Please see the link for more details.
- Applications must be submitted to the Manager of the Office of the Councillors no less than 21 days prior to the event or initiative—so the earlier, the better!
Active Engage Opportunities:
Find all Engage opportunities at Engage.Calgary.ca
Your Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator also provides information about Engage opportunities.
Combined Meetings of Council and Public Hearings
Find meeting notices, agendas, and minutes for meetings of Council and BCCs at Calgary.ca/PH. Find meeting dates for all Council and Boards, Committees, and Commissions meetings on the Council and Committee Calendar.
Planning Matters for Public Hearing: April 12, 2022
- Items from the February 24 Calgary Planning Commission meeting are anticipated to go to the April 12 Combined Meeting of Council
- Submit comments for public hearing items by April 5, 2022
Planning Matters for Public Hearing: May 10, 2022
- Items from the March 10 and March 24 Calgary Planning Commission meeting are anticipated to go to the May 10 Combined Meeting of Council
- Submit comments for public hearing items by May 3, 2022
Participating at Public Hearings of Council
Planning and Development Info
Use Development Map (DMap) to submit comments
While the Circulation Team is still accepting comments via email ([email protected]) they are requesting that community associations submit comments through Development Map. This has been communicated in each Electronic Submission email you’ve received this year.
Federation of Calgary Communities: Partners in Planning
If you’re interested in learning more about how community residents and Community Associations can participate more effectively in the planning process, consider registering for the free Partners in Planning courses offered by the Federation of Calgary Communities, in partnership with The City of Calgary planning staff.
Calgary Planning Commission
Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) is a committee appointed annually by City Council. The commission acts as the Approving Authority on all subdivision matters and as Development Authority on some development matters. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found at Calgary.ca/PH. Meetings are held twice a month on Thursdays, beginning at 1 PM, and can be streamed live at Calgary.ca/WatchLive. Check dates on the Council and Committee Calendar. Next CPC meetings: April 7, 2022 and April 21. 2022. Agendas not published at the time of preparing this report.
Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project
Shaganappi, Scarboro Sunalta West, and Killarney-Glengarry are the Ward 8 communities are part of the Westbrook LAP project. A local area plan outlines a future vision for the area, provides guidance on what growth and change makes sense here, and includes development direction that residents, landowners, builders and developers, city planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners in the area. For more information, visit the project page here: Engage.Calgary.ca/Westbrook.
The citizen working group and public engagement is ongoing for the Westbrook Communities LAP project. They are currently reviewing the draft ‘Chapter 2’:
The online portal for the current phase of the project engagement is open until April 3, 2022.
- A virtual engagement session is happening on March 29, from 7:30-8:45 PM; register here if interested.
- If you are living in one of the communities included in Westbrook LAP, check your mailbox for an engagement booklet or pick one up at a ‘My Idea’ Station. Each booklet includes a comment form that can be mailed in or dropped off at a My Idea Station (a My Idea Station map is provided in the booklet and available online).
Ward 8 Development Permits in Advertisement
For more information and all development permit applications in advertisement, go to Calgary.ca/PublicNotices. Advertisements are typically posted every Thursday. For information or viewing any of the above development permits or plans, please visit Calgary.ca/DMap and search the DP number, or send an email to [email protected] to arrange for an appointment.
The Development Permit Public Notice is a listing of development applications that have already been approved by the Development Authority in accordance with The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007. Citizens have 21 days from the first day of advertisement to appeal the development permit decision if they wish. Any persons wishing to submit an appeal to the Development Authority’s decision should review the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) appeal process or the Municipal Government Board appeal process to submit an appeal. The relevant appeal board is indicated in the permit information below.
In advertisement March 10, 2022, until 11:59 PM March 31, 2022
ALTADORE DP2021-09480 1747 34 AV SW (DC 163D2021). Changes to Site Plan: Health Care Service (parking & landscape), Exterior Renovations:Health Care Service (refurbish building facade); Change of Use: Health Care Service. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BANKVIEW DP2021-6052 1835 18A ST SW (R-C2). New: Semi-Detached Dwelling. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BANKVIEW DP2021-8755 2515 16A ST SW (M-CG d111). New: Single Detached Dwelling. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
PARKHILL DP2022-00298 4007 MACLEOD TR SW (C-COR2 f3.0h30).New: Sign - Class E (Digital Message Signs - 2) - menu boards. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
KILLARNEY/GLENGARRY DP2021-09441 2423 36 ST SW (R-CG).New: Accessory Residential Building (garage), Backyard Suite (above garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
RICHMOND DP2022-00557 2533 20 ST SW (R-C2).New: Single Detached Dwelling (north parcel), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
RICHMOND DP2022-00558 2533 20 ST SW (R-C2).New: Single Detached Dwelling (south parcel), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
In advertisement March 17, 2022, until 11:59 PM April 07, 2022
BELTLINE DP2021-8255524 10 AV SW (DC 100D2015). Temporary Use: outdoor cafes (2). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BELTLINE DP2022-00732220 11 AV SE (CC-X). Temporary Use: Home Occupation - Class 2 (Photographer - 5 years). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
CLIFF BUNGALOW DP2022-004501919 4 ST SW (C-COR1 f3.0h16). Temporary Use: Outdoor Cafe (adjacent to 4th street and 20th Avenue – expires November 1, 2022). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ELBOW PARK DP2021-49421127 SIFTON BV SW (R-C1). Changes to Site Plan: Single Detached Dwelling (Riverbank Erosion Protection Ancillary to Single-Detached Dwelling). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ELBOW PARK DP2021-7738800 34 AV SW (S-CS). New: Community Recreation Facility (storage shed, 1 building). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ELBOW PARK DP2021-90583419 6 ST SW (R-C1). New: Single Detached Dwelling, Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
MISSION DP2021-09511327 23 AV SW (DC 113D2014). Changes to Site Plan: Single-detached dwelling, Accessory Building (storage shed), Takeout food service. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
MOUNT ROYAL LOWER DP2022-01370933 17 AV SW (C-COR1 f3.0h23). New: Sign - Class D (Canopy Sign) - signable area. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2022-005031721 29 AV SW (DC 18D2013). New: Sign - Class D (Canopy Sign). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2022-007291932 34 AV SW (MU-1 f3.0h16). Changes to Site Plan: Outdoor Cafe (adjacent to 34th AV SW). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
In advertisement March 24, 2022, until 11:59 PM April 14, 2022
ALTADORE DP2022-00125 4711 15 ST SW (R-Cl). Addition: Single Detached Dwelling (attached rear garage, front porch). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
CLIFF BUNGALOW DP2021-8308 526 21 AV SW (M-CG dlll). Relaxation: window well - projection into side setback. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ELBOW PARK DP2022-00583 3232 6 ST SW (R-Cl). Addition: Single Detached Dwelling (covered front porch and rear elevation)- existing building to conform with 1P2007. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
GARRISON WOODS DP2022-00776 4705 21A ST SW (R-C2). New: Single Detached Dwelling (north lot), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
GARRISON WOODS DP2022-00777 4705 21A ST SW (R-C2). New: Single Detached Dwelling (south lot), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
KILLARNEY/GLENGARRY DP2022-00849 3011 33 ST SW (DC 28291). New: Semi-Detached Dwelling, Accessory Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
KILLARNEY/GLENGARRY DP2021-6888 3535 26 AV SW (C-Nl). Changes to Sitje Plan: Health Care Service
- (parking); Change of Use: Health Care Service. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SCARBORO DP2022-01717 106 SCARBORO AV SW (R-Cl). Relaxation: Single Detached Dwelling (existing) -building setback from side property line, deck (existing) - projection into side setback. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SUNALTA DP2022-00984 1444 17 AV SW (DC 119D2019). Change of Use: Restaurant: Licensed. APPEAL BOARD:SDAB