Updates for Ward 8 Communities
2022 Spring Street Sweeping has started
- Go to ca/Sweep to find out when your street is scheduled for sweeping, parking bans, and answers to frequently asked questions
Springtime Yard and Garden Prep 🌱 Check out this page for tips and City programs to help you get your yard and garden ready for the growing season!
- Residents can bring yard waste to a City landfill for free from April 18 to May 29, 2022.
- Free mulch is available at the East Calgary Landfill for pick up.
- Free compost pickup is available from April 25 to June 11, 2022. Make an appointment and get the details here.
Flood Preparedness
- Flood season is approaching (May 15 to July 15). If you live in a flood-risk community, be aware and prepared, and know that The City is ready to respond if needed to flood events.
- Ward 8 communities along the Elbow River are at risk of flood: Cliff Bungalow, Mission, Erlton, Elbow Park, Stanley Park, Elboya, Rideau, and Roxboro
- Visit ca/Floodinfo for more information and for a quick snapshot of daily river conditions and sign up for alerts.
- Despite all our efforts, we can’t prevent flooding entirely. If you live or work in an area that’s at risk of river flooding, it’s important to take simple steps so that you’re ready too:
- Understand your risk. Check our online, interactive flood maps to find out if your home and community is at risk of river flooding.
- Be prepared. Take steps to reduce flood damage, keep your loved ones safe and be prepared if you need to evacuate quickly.
- Stay informed. Heavy rainfalls in the mountain areas, which are the major cause of flooding, are hard to predict, meaning you could have less than 24 hours warning.
Annual Community Cleanups
- On Saturdays and Sundays in April to June, and September, The City and Community Associations across the city have organized cleanup days. Community Cleanup events save residents a trip to the landfill for items that do not fit in their waste and recycling carts or for residents who do not have access to cart service. This service is free of charge to all Calgarians. Community Cleanups are organized in partnership with community associations across Calgary to help citizens dispose of unwanted household items that do not fit in black carts.
- Not all Ward 8 CAs have a date, so check the schedule at ca/Cleanups.
Seasonal Outdoor Patios
- The City is pleased to again support the seasonal patio program in Calgary, and fees have been waived for a third year to support businesses. The updated seasonal patio guidelines improve accessibility both to the patios and along public sidewalks.
- For details, guidelines, contacts and other information related to patio applications, please visit ca/Patios.
Property tax payments are due June 30, 2022
- You may pay all at once or in installments through The City’s Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP). To get more information about or request your TIPP agreement, go to ca/TIPP or call 311.
- Find more about property taxes here.
- Find out where our tax dollars go here.
Bankview Community Association Little Free Food Market
Every Tuesday from Noon to 3 PM at 2418 17 ST SW.
- This initiative is intended for Bankview residents, but all are welcome.
If you would like to donate, they are accepting donations of non-perishable food items and unopened hygiene items. You may drop off during the market or email [email protected] to arrange an alternative time.
Update on Temporary Injunction and Reporting to 311
- The City of Calgary has discontinued its application for a permanent injunction. Therefore, the temporary injunction has been lifted and no longer in effect as of today (April 26, 2022). You can read The City’s news release here.
Although the injunction is no longer in effect, bylaws and legislation obviously continue to be and are enforced in the normal course by Peace Officers and the Calgary Police Service. The City and CPS will continue to monitor future protest activity and their impacts, and assess whether circumstances warrant the need for an injunction again in the future. The Ward 8 Office will continue to support residents and businesses in the Beltline.
As we do not know what the coming weeks will be like, should the need arise, we encourage residents and businesses to document their experiences and complaints about protest-related impacts and report them to 311. This will give The City data on the location, volume, nature, and severity of the impact of any future activities on residents and businesses.
Examples of issues:
Submit a 311 request/complaint by:
Make sure you note the:
For emergency or criminal situations, call:
· noise;
· traffic impacts;
· vandalism (e.g., spray paint, stickers, posters); and/or
· other public concerns.
· calling 311;
· using the 311 website portal; or
· 311 mobile app
· issue;
· date(s) and time(s) the issue occurred;
· specific location where it occurred;
· specific details about the issue.
· 911 if you are in or witness an emergency situation;
· 403-266-1234 (non-emergency police line) to report non-urgent police concerns.
Active Engage Opportunities:
Find all Engage opportunities at Engage.Calgary.ca
Your Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator also provides information about Engage opportunities.
Increasing Accessibility to and Safety of Child Care in Calgary
The City of Calgary currently has no role in the regulation of child care. In July 2021, a Notice of Motion (NOM) was introduced by then councillors Gondek, Carra and Farrell entitled Increasing Accessibility to & Safety of Affordable Child Care in Calgary. The NOM recognized that the City of Calgary also has a responsibility for public safety (particularly vulnerable populations like children) and an important role to play in helping to increase accessibility to and safety of affordable child care in the city. Municipal policy could play a role in addressing the gaps noted above, ensuring all families have equal access to high-quality, safe, affordable child care.
While the City of Calgary does not currently license home-based child care businesses, it has the ability to do so in the same manner it licenses other businesses to ensure standards for public safety and consumer protection. Administration will report back to Council through the Community Development Committee in July 2022. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact [email protected]
Combined Meetings of Council and Public Hearings
Find meeting notices, agendas, and minutes for meetings of Council and BCCs at Calgary.ca/PH. Find meeting dates for all Council and Boards, Committees, and Commissions meetings on the Council and Committee Calendar.
Planning Matters for Public Hearing: May 10, 2022
- Items from the March 10 and March 24 Calgary Planning Commission meeting are anticipated to go to the May 10 Combined Meeting of Council
- Submit comments for public hearing items by May 3, 2022
Planning Matters for Public Hearing: June 07, 2022
- Items from the April 07 and April 21 Calgary Planning Commission meeting are anticipated to go to the June 07 Combined Meeting of Council
- Submit comments for public hearing items by May 31, 2022
Participating at Public Hearings of Council
Planning and Development Info
Use Development Map (DMap) to submit comments
While the Circulation Team is still accepting comments via email ([email protected]) they are requesting that community associations submit comments through Development Map. This has been communicated in each Electronic Submission email you’ve received this year.
Federation of Calgary Communities: Partners in Planning
If you’re interested in learning more about how community residents and Community Associations can participate more effectively in the planning process, consider registering for the free Partners in Planning courses offered by the Federation of Calgary Communities, in partnership with The City of Calgary planning staff.
Calgary Planning Commission
Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) is a committee appointed annually by City Council. The commission acts as the Approving Authority on all subdivision matters and as Development Authority on some development matters. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found at Calgary.ca/PH. Meetings are held twice a month on Thursdays, beginning at 1 PM, and can be streamed live at Calgary.ca/WatchLive. Check dates on the Council and Committee Calendar.
Next CPC meetings: May 05 and May 19, 2022. Agendas not published at the time of preparing this report.
Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project
Shaganappi, Scarboro Sunalta West, and Killarney-Glengarry are the Ward 8 communities are part of the Westbrook LAP project. A local area plan outlines a future vision for the area, provides guidance on what growth and change makes sense here, and includes development direction that residents, landowners, builders and developers, city planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners in the area. For more information, visit the project page here: Engage.Calgary.ca/Westbrook.
The citizen working group and public engagement is ongoing for the Westbrook Communities LAP project. The next opportunity for input, Phase 3: REFINE, is anticipated for June 2022. Sign up for email updates here.
Chinatown Area Redevelopment Plan draft is available for review and feedback; community events scheduled
- Chinatown's new Area Redevelopment Plan(ARP) is a statutory document that will help guide where and how future growth and development should happen. This plan is unique because it will be influenced by Chinatown’s Cultural Plan. The goal is to make sure the area is vibrant and thriving now and for future generations.
Downtown Strategy and Greater Downtown Plan
- The Beltline is officially part of the Greater Downtown area, but all of Ward 8 stands to see benefits from the exciting initiatives coming from the Downtown Strategy and Greater Downtown Plan. Find our more here.
Ward 8 Development Permits in Advertisement
For more information and all development permit applications in advertisement, go to Calgary.ca/PublicNotices. Advertisements are typically posted every Thursday. For information or viewing any of the above development permits or plans, please visit Calgary.ca/DMap and search the DP number, or send an email to [email protected] to arrange for an appointment.
The Development Permit Public Notice is a listing of development applications that have already been approved by the Development Authority in accordance with The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007. Citizens have 21 days from the first day of advertisement to appeal the development permit decision if they wish. Any persons wishing to submit an appeal to the Development Authority’s decision should review the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) appeal process or the Municipal Government Board appeal process to submit an appeal. The relevant appeal board is indicated in the permit information below.
In advertisement April 14, 2022, until 11:59 PM May 05, 2022
ALTADORE DP2022-012551928 50 AV SW (R-C2). New: Single Detached Dwelling (west lot), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ALTADORE DP2022-012571928 50 AV SW (R-C2). New: Single Detached Dwelling (east lot), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
KILLARNEY/GLENGARRY DP2021-24042604 33 ST SW (R-CG). New: Rowhouse Building (1 building), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
MISSION DP2022-013162424 4 ST SW (C-COR1 f3.7h34). Change of Use: Retail and Consumer Service, Health Care Service - location of use. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
PARKHILL DP2022-022303615 2 ST SW (R-C2). Relaxation: Accessory Residential Building (existing garage) - building setback from side property line. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
RICHMOND DP2021-82042119 32 AV SW (R-C2). New: Semi-detached Dwelling, Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SCARBORO/SUNALTA WEST DP2021-82722412 SANDHURST AV SW (R-C1). New: Single Detached Dwelling. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2022-015361807 33 AV SW (R-C2). Temporary Use: Home Occupation - Class 2 (Food Manufacturing - 5 years). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SUNALTA DP2022-002731910 12 AV SW (M-C2). Change of Use: Addiction Treatment. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
In advertisement April 21, 2022, until 11:59 PM May 12, 2022
BANKVIEW DP2021-092571717 17 AV SW (C-N1). Change of Use: Cannabis Store. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BELTLINE DP2021-092151040 11 AV SW (CC-X). Temporary Use: Take Out Food Service (Temporary Kitchen Trailer). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
KILLARNEY/GLENGARRY DP2021-093212804 26 ST SW (R-CG). New: Rowhouse (1 building), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
PARKHILL DP2022-005544303 MACLEOD TR SW (C-COR2 f3.0h30). New: Sign - Class E (Digital Message Sign - 3 years). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
RICHMOND DP2021-69282003, 2009 & 2015 22 ST SW (DC 152D2021). New: Dwelling Unit (4 buildings), Basement Secondary Suite (4 buildings, 14 units), Accessory Residential Building (garage and storage - 2). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ROSSCARROCK DP2021-39741720 45 ST SW (S-CRI). Changes to Site Plan: Protective and Emergency Service (refurbish building facade & parking reconfiguration). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2021-73322008 29 AV SW (R-C2). New: Semi-detached Dwelling, Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2021-86101934 34 AV SW (MU-1 f3.0h16). New: Retail and Consumer Service, Dwelling Unit, Accessory Residential Building. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
In advertisement April 21, 2022, until 11:59 PM May 19, 2022
BELTLINE DP2022-016511012 17 AV SW (C-COR1 f3.0h23). Temporary Use: Special Function - Class 2 (whiskey rose stampede event - July 1 to 17, 2022). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BELTLINE DP2022-016671327 MACLEOD TR SE (CC-X). Temporary Use: Parking Lot - Grade (Temporary). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BELTLINE DP2022-018441020 13 AV SW (CC-MH). Temporary Use: Home Occupation - Class 2 (Hair Stylist - 5 years). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
BELTLINE DP2022-02125124 17 AV SE (CC-X). Changes to Site Plan: Outdoor Cafe (adjacent to 17th AV SE). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
ROSSCARROCK DP2022-011871444 42 ST SW (R-C2). New: Semi-detached Dwelling, Secondary Suite (basement), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
RUTLAND PARK DP2022-018973420 34 AV SW (R-C1s). Temporary Use: Home Occupation - Class 2 (Consultant - 18 months). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SCARBORO/SUNALTA WEST DP2022-026051708 SUFFOLK ST SW (R-C1). Relaxation: eaves (existing) - projection into front setback area. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
SOUTH CALGARY DP2022-012231802 32 AV SW (R-C2). New: Single Detached Dwelling (east parcel), Accessory Residential Building (garage). APPEAL BOARD: SDAB
UPPER MOUNT ROYAL DP2022-024571916 13 ST SW (R-C2). Relaxation: balcony (existing) - projection depth, privacy wall (existing) – height. APPEAL BOARD: SDAB