As February unfolds, we're greeted with the vibrant energy of Black History Month. This annual celebration is a time to honour Black individuals' rich and diverse contributions throughout history and within our community. It's more than just a month of recognition; it's an opportunity for learning, reflection, and celebration of the resilience, creativity, and achievements of Black Canadians. As we commemorate this significant occasion, remember that education is at the heart of the festivities. We can't truly celebrate without first understanding and appreciating the stories, struggles, and triumphs that have shaped our collective history. So, let's embrace this month as a chance to deepen our understanding, foster inclusivity, and honour the diverse voices that enrich our city.
With appreciation,
Councillor Courtney Walcott
This Month's Updates:
- Ward 8 Event - You're Invited!
- Ward 8 Communities
- Engagement Opportunities
- Upcoming Community Events
- Supporting Fellow Calgarians
- Stories for You