Your Housing Questions, Answered

On September 25, 2023, I hosted a conversation about the recently-approved Housing Strategy. Several questions were submitted online. Answers are provided below.

Tim Ward, manager of Housing Solutions for the City of Calgary, provided an overview of the Housing Strategy. 


Did mandatory inclusionary zoning make it as a proposal in the final strategy?   

  • No. Inclusionary zoning generally requires residential developers to set aside a certain percentage of new units at below-market rates. Inclusionary zoning was removed from Calgary and Edmonton’s city charters by the Government of Alberta.   
  • One Housing Strategy action item envisions an aspirational goal of 15% of total housing units in all Local Area Plans being non-market.   
  • Action 1.C.1: Include policy in the Municipal Development Plan immediately that every Local Area Plan should enable a minimum of 15% of the total housing units to be non-market Affordable Housing (as defined by The City) to provide equal distribution across the city.  
  • An aspirational goal differs from a mandatory goal.   

Which major cities in Canada have preserved R-C1 type housing, or are all of them shifting to R-CG? What are the drawbacks with maintaining a few neighbourhoods in Calgary with R-C1 designation?   

How will creating more market-based housing supply impact the supply and availability of non-market affordable housing?   

  • Demand for housing is very high. As with other goods and services, the balance between supply and demand influences prices. Research evidence is clear: more housing in a variety of types, locations, and price points is fundamental to housing affordability.  
  • Most of Calgarians’ housing needs are met by the private market, such as purchasing a home or renting a home from a private landowner or landlord.  
  • Those with the financial resources to purchase housing will be able to buy or rent what is available. If new homes are available, people will buy them. If not, they will buy the next best thing – slightly less-than-new housing or invest in renovating older housing.  
  • If no new supply is created, the existing supply of housing gets “bid up” as too many compete for too few housing units.   
  • This has the effect of forcing prices up, even for housing that might be considered modest or older.  
  • This is an inversion of the typical pattern: usually, as housing ages, it becomes less expensive when compared to new builds.   
  • If the existing housing stock gets bid up, ultimately people without resources to pay the escalating costs get “pushed out” of the market, which results in low vacancy rates in the rental market, escalating rent costs, long waitlists for non-market housing, and increased demand for shelters.  

This video, titled “Cruel Musical Chairs,” explains the process:  

  • This article explains how the housing market functions in more detail.  

Can you explain the climate pros and cons with new development leading to some loss of trees on private land?  

  • Calgary is a city that is built largely on a prairie. Most of the urban canopy is possible thanks to precipitation runoff from structures.  
  • Trees don’t live forever. Depending on the species, they might live to a maximum of 80-100 years.  
  • Structures don’t stand forever. Redevelopment to adapt to changing conditions is part of how cities function.  
  • A 1960’s single-detached home emits roughly 12 tonnes of CO2 from building operations, and about 8 tonnes from transportation per year. So, in total, an older home emits roughly 20 tonnes per year.   
  • A modern suburban home emits less (though they tend to be bigger), at about 10 tonnes of CO2 from building operations per year. Longer commutes associated with this kind of structure means about 13 tonnes of CO2 per year. So, in total, a modern suburban home emits 23 tonnes of CO2 per year.  
  • A redeveloped rowhouse in a central community emits about 7 tonnes per year from building operations, and 8 tonnes from transportation. So, in total, a redeveloped inner-city home emits 15 tonnes of CO2 per year.   
  • Mature trees sequester 20 kg (or 0.02 tonnes) of CO2 per year. Younger trees sequester about 5 kg (or 0.005 tonnes) per year.  
  • The emissions reduction from an inner-city home (5 to 8 tonnes per year) is equivalent to the carbon sequestration work of 250 mature trees per year.   

The price of an older bungalow is actually less than the cost of a new build in an R-CG. How will this land use impact older more affordable housing stock?   

  • Structures do not stand forever. At some point they either require substantial reinvestment in terms of maintenance or renovation (which does not always make economic sense), or redevelopment occurs. 
  • Areas in the city that are likely to see redevelopment currently or in the immediate future are older communities closer to the city-centre and built before the 1970s. 
  • Redevelopment has a significant financial cost because the property owner will need to apply for all necessary development and building permits, hire contractors to demolish the existing building, hire the architect, builder, trades, and purchase materials to build with. They may also need to add or replace landscaping, public sidewalks, and utilities. All of this also takes time, which means taxes are still owed on the existing parcel of land.  
  • The property owner can choose to build what the current zoning allows for or apply to rezone the land to allow for more homes.  
  • In the case of R-C1 or R-C2 zoned parcels, they can only build a new single-detached (R-C1), or semi-detached or duplex home (R-C2). This means the cost of development is divided across 1 or 2 new households.  
  • In the case of R-CG zoned parcels, the property owner can build a new single, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, rowhome or townhouse. If they build a triplex, rowhome, or townhouse, this means the cost of the development is divided across 3 or 4 new households.  
  • The cost of development is comparable in both cases, but the outcome can either be one or two new homes priced at $645,000 or $540,000 each, or four new homes priced at $385,000 each (Housing Needs Assessment, pg. 47).   
  • The Housing Strategy includes the creation of a Housing Land Fund that aims to acquire land for non-profit housing providers, as well as acquire real estate that could include acquiring older affordable housing stock.  

Can Universal Design be used for every new home built?   

  • Building codes are prepared at the national level, and their adoption and enforcement is the responsibility of provincial governments. 
  • In Alberta, barrier-free and accessible design is not mandatory for homes that are built and occupied privately. For more information on the Alberta Building Code’s requirements, consult the Barrier-Free Design Guide, published by the Alberta Government. 
  • The City of Calgary has Access Design Standards that apply to all new buildings constructed on City-owned lands. 
  • More information about advocacy for universal design in housing can be found here: Universal Design Network of Canada. CMHC (Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation) has some resources as well.  

How can we support the emergency housing project? Could you provide info about the non-profits that will be involved and how we can support them?   

One amendment to the Housing Strategy proposed by Mayor Gondek included the following direction:  

  • Dedicate two City-owned sites (at no cost) to develop an emergency housing program for families with children who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.   
  • In tandem with identifying the City-owned sites, work with modular or pre-fabricated housing providers, social service agencies, and government partners to explore the rapid establishment of temporary, transitional housing for these families.   
  • Administration will identify and support opportunities to expedite the approvals process and further investigate how the homelessness sector can work together to identify appropriate partners, budgets, clients supports and other important considerations required to see this project proceed and remain in place until the family homelessness crisis in Calgary is resolved.  
  • Administration is investigating locations for these two emergency housing sites. Once details are available, I will communicate ways to support this effort.  

What is the difference in lot or parcel coverage between R-CG and R-C1? How will this impact our urban canopy?    

  • R-C1 District: maximum parcel coverage is 45% of the total parcel area (section 393 of the Land Use Bylaw)  
  • R-C2 District: maximum parcel coverage is 45% of the total parcel area (section 412 of the Land Use Bylaw)  
  • R-CG District: maximum parcel coverage ranges from 45% to 60% of the total parcel area depending on the number of homes proposed (section 534 of the Land Use Bylaw). The more homes proposed, the more parcel coverage is allowed, for up to a maximum of 60% of the total parcel area.  

Using a common residential parcel size in Calgary, 0.06 hectares or 600 square metres / 6458 square feet, as an example:  

  • A building with one home can have a building footprint of up to 270 square metres / 2906 square feet.  
  • A building with three homes can have a building footprint of up to 300 square metres / 3229 square feet.  
  • A building with four homes can have a building footprint of up to 360 square metres / 3875 square feet.  

In all districts, the maximum allowed parcel coverage is reduced for every parking stall not provided in a detached garage.  

How does Council work with the CBE (Calgary Board of Education) regarding density and overcrowding in schools?    

City taxes are based on property value. How will a 4-plex across the street from me affect my property values and/or my taxes? Will my property values be reduced?   

  • There is no evidence that suggests a 4-plex across the street will negatively impact property value. In fact, having multiple rent- or mortgage-paying residents on a parcel is likely to have the opposite effect.  
  • Data shows that redevelopment increases nearby property values through a scan of assessed values over time.   

New communities get amenities with higher density. How do established areas get additional amenities when redevelopment occurs?   

One source of funding for amenities to established areas is the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy. Some Ward 8 projects include:  

If there’s more people in my neighbourhood, does that lower my taxes? Or does it raise taxes because there’s more load on services?   

  • The more the City has to pay for infrastructure in far-flung areas, the less funding is available to fund local amenities, improvements, and services. This means that the more infrastructure the City has to build at the edges of the city, the less you “receive” in exchange for the taxes you pay.   
  • Many established areas in Calgary have experienced population decline.  

Further reading: Population Change in Canadian Cities (1996 to 2021) (  

Further reading: How to #DoTheMath for Non-Math Majors (  

Will the City receive data related to rental rates for new apartment builds?   

Further reading:  

“Home” is not just a house over your head but a welcoming and safe community you live, work, and play in. How will the city help build community in communities?   

Those living in R-C1 areas likely want to keep the zoning the same, but other parties are keen for change. How will this be sorted?  

  • R-C1 represents 65% of the City’s geographic footprint. The recommendation is to bring all low scale development categories (single, semi’s, rowhouses) into one base district. As the recommendation sits, it is about treating all neighbourhoods equally, rather than trying to choose who should remain exclusive, and who should not.  

How did you engage communities when the Housing Strategy policy was being developed?   

  •  The Housing Strategy came about through the Housing and Affordability Task Force, which included volunteer members from the housing sector as well as members of City Administration. Members of Council did not participate. For information on the scope, membership, and background of the Housing and Affordability Task Force, click here: Housing and Affordability Task Force | Engage (  

Housing affordability has been a recurring concern in Citizen Satisfaction Surveys.   

  • The recently-released results from the 2023 Fall Survey of Calgarians found affordable housing to be a top issue.  
  • Calgarians have reported dramatic increases in housing costs to ward offices.   
  • The public provided feedback after the initial Housing & Affordability Task Force Recommendations vote on June 06.   
  • Public submissions and speakers contributed to the Sept 14 Community Development Committee.  

Why was a large parcel of land owned by the City in Erlton annexed to a cemetery instead of being used for an affordable housing project?   

  • No City-owned lands in the Erlton area have been transferred to a cemetery since Councillor Walcott took office.  

How does redevelopment in our neighbourhood help affordability?   

  • It means the demand for housing gets allocated to new homes, rather than bidding up the price of existing (older) housing, which leaves too many Calgarians behind.   
  • On a broad scale, it helps increase housing across the city as a whole, and makes it easier for the City to deliver fund amenities and deliver services more efficiently.  
  • Over time, more dense forms of housing appreciate at a slower rate. This means they’ll remain attainable for longer, and will be less likely to be see the drastic price increases that we have witnessed in single detached housing or duplexes. While it is entirely likely that these new homes will continue to appreciate in value, the rate of increase will be slower and closer to a “natural” increase.   

Where do caveats or restrictive covenants fit into the City’s plans for affordable housing?   

  • Restrictive covenants are administered through Alberta Land Titles and enforced through civil court. They don’t have anything to do with the City or municipal planning.   

Why is changing parking minimums such an important part of the recommendations? How can we make sure infrastructure and transit goes to areas seeing growth?  

Action 1.C.5 in the Housing Strategy includes the following measure:  

  • Ensure parking minimums do not act as a barrier to affordability, including considering location and different residential land use districts in evaluating reducing or eliminating minimums.  

Minimum parking requirements are rules which force new residential developments to build specific amounts of on-site parking stalls. Acting on the recommendation would mean that instead of the City deciding how much parking is enough, that decision would be left up to individual land or business owners, with feedback from city planners.  

  • Businesses and landowners have strong incentives to provide the right amount of parking on their property. Compared to one-size-fits-all parking rules set by the City, an open-option parking approach matches parking supply more closely to parking demand. This adds choice for those may not need or want private parking.  

Other reasons to re-evaluate parking standards are:  

  • Requiring new homes to build parking stalls regardless of residents needing them or not, makes new housing more expensive   
  • Research shows that high minimum parking requirements have negative effects on public health, traffic, and greenhouse gas emissions.  
  • Research shows that people pick where they live based on their transportation preferences. A resident who owns two large vehicles is not likely to purchase a home where there is no parking available.  
  • Homes without parking spaces are a valuable housing option for approximately 30’000 households in Calgary that don’t own a vehicle. These homes are currently under-supplied.  
  • Some research indicates that storage is a more popular use of garage space than vehicle parking. High minimum parking requirements don’t prevent residents from parking on a public street.  

Read more about parking and housing affordability here.   

Further reading: The high cost of free parking - YouTube  

Why are people opposed to the Housing Strategy?   

  • Opposition to the housing strategy has targeted actions that would restore affordability to the housing market. The primary target of opposition has been the proposal to make R-CG the base residential district across Calgary.  
  • Concerns that have been articulated largely reflect fear among some that their neighbourhoods might experience change and house additional residents.  
  • There may be an element of self-interest at play. Housing scarcity creates upward pressure on the value of existing housing for those who own it. It may be that some who have benefited from the housing crisis are opposing changes out of self-interest.  

Regarding next steps for R-CG rezoning and the public hearing: why use a public hearing instead of a plebiscite?  

When and why was rent control ended?  

  • Rent controls were only briefly implemented in 1976 in Alberta and were phased out entirely by 1980.  

Further reading:  

Are you considering buildings under construction, or vacant buildings, to be repurposed for housing?   

  • The City is considering the property that it owns. The Housing Land Fund will acquire land and coordinate with non-profit providers to construct non-market housing.  

There is a lot of land here which is already designated for high/higher density that is not being developed (Westbrook, for example). Could higher taxes on this land encourage developers to build?   

  • The City’s role in enabling and regulating a land market puts much of the risk – and much of the agency – involved in redevelopment on private actors who own the land.   
  • On larger sites that require larger up-front private investment, and whose economic returns are likely to occur over the course of decades, a range of factors can contribute to development plans. These can include market conditions and financing costs, among other factors.   
  • One potential option that we are examining is Edmonton’s recently approved Derelict Residential Tax Subclass  
  • This allows the City of Edmonton to charge a higher tax rate to owners of properties that are assessed as derelict.   
  • Because we as a City rely heavily on the private sector to undertake the financial risk of development, we need to be thoughtful about how best to incentivise development through policy.  

Further reading:  

Density usually demands more services, how can we be sure communities that are taking on density will get better services like transit, schools, parks etc., and what are the time frames for these things?   

  • The Established Area Growth and Change Strategy supports existing communities so they can be vibrant and successful for decades to come. It supports communities and local businesses where growth and change are happening and anticipated to happen.  

Where are the two City-owned parcels of land that it will develop for affordable housing? Are there only 2 parcels of City land?   

  • As part of the Housing Strategy, Council directed Administration to dedicate two City-owned sites for emergency housing needs.  
  • A different policy, known as the Non-Market Housing Land Disposition Policy, has been in place since 2019. It allows for the sale of up to 10 parcels of surplus City-owned land at below market value to experienced non-profit affordable housing developers, every two years.   
    • So far, 24 shovel-ready sites have been identified for affordable housing through this policy.  
    • Additional sites identified through this policy may have longer-term potential for affordable housing but require additional work to become suitable for housing.  
    • Administration has suggested that additional properties identified for housing will be coming forward in 2024.  
  • One action within the Housing Strategy includes the creation of a Housing Land Fund that aims to acquire land for non-profit housing providers, as well as acquire real estate that could include acquiring older affordable housing stock.  

Since there are not enough skilled workers to build the number of houses we are building currently, can we build more (is it possible)?   

  • There is a need for coordination between training, recruitment and immigration policies and organizations.  
  • SAIT has reported a 40 per cent growth in new apprenticeship registrations. 

Further reading:  

What is the difference between “small-scale” housing and H-GO?   

  • H-GO is intended for Inner and Centre City communities, and intended locations within Local Area Plans are labeled as Neighbourhood Connector and Neighbourhood Flex urban form categories.  
  • The major differences between R-CG and H-GO involve:   
    • Building height: R-CG has a maximum 11m height, whereas H-GO has a maximum 12m height.  
    • Rear building: R-CG has a maximum 8.6m height for the back building, whereas H-GO has a maximum 12m back building height.   
    • Unit stacking: R-CG does not allow for units to be stacked, whereas H-GO allows stacking of units.  


Further reading: Resources to better understand the Land Use Bylaw changes (  

Do the historical setbacks in Scarboro still allow for these types of buildings being built?   

  • This would depend on the geometry of the individual parcel, but yes, it is possible that certain parcels could maintain the heritage setback while still offering a rowhouse format.  

What are the plans for increasing services to match expected population growth in existing R-C1 communities?   

I’ve saved up money for the past 25 years, and finally bought a house in an R-1 neighbourhood. How am I being protected after working hard my entire life to finally make such an investment?   

  • There is no evidence to suggest that a diversity of housing types in your neighbourhood will have any negative impact on your property values. In fact, demonstrating that nearby properties can support multiple mortgage- or rent- paying units would likely have a positive effect on property values.  

Will there be extra incentives for legalizing basement suites now?   

  • Yes, one item within the Housing Strategy instructs Administration to establish an incentive program of at least $10,000 per unit for secondary suites, to produce at least 400 net new secondary suites each year. The program has not yet been designed, and more information will be made available when ready. 

Is it true that secondary suites are already allowed in R-C1?   

  • Yes, secondary suites and backyard suites are listed uses in R-C1, and all other residential districts. However, only one secondary suite or one backyard suite is permitted per primary dwelling unit currently.   

How does the Federal government define exclusionary zoning?   

  • The Federal government does not have a formal definition. Exclusionary typically refers to restrictions on the types of homes that can be built in a particular neighbourhood. This can refer to minimum lot size requirements, minimum square footage requirements, prohibitions on multi-family homes, limits on height, and restrictions on what groups of people may occupy single dwellings.  

Can Council regulate rent increases?   

  • No, rent control, rent caps, and landlord/tenant regulations are under Provincial jurisdiction and governed through the Residential Tenancies Act.  That is why the Housing Strategy gave the City direction to investigate rent control models and make recommendations to the Province.  

Are there any new measures being introduced to add a layer of accountability to landlords to ensure safe and hygienic units in a timely manner (heating issues, mold, pests)?   

  • The Housing Strategy includes several advocacy actions to the Province, including requesting they:   
    • Increase the number of Public Health inspectors available to inspect properties allowing for inspections to be completed within 1 week.  
    • Revise the Residential Tenancies Act to protect tenants from unfounded evictions if a complaint is made to Alberta Health Services or any other public serving agency.
    • Provide financial supports for alternative temporary accommodations, for tenants unable to find or afford alternative accommodations, while rental properties are being repaired from unsafe or inadequate conditions.  
    • Review and enhance the Minimum Health and Housing Standards to ensure that tenants are protected from substandard housing, review and adjust the standard occupancy rates to accommodate more culturally appropriate housing.   
    • Investigate and resolve non-contractual or legal complaints of discrimination, mistreatment, or substandard housing, through the creation of a Housing Ombudsperson that can serve all landlords operating and residents living in rental housing in Calgary.  
  • One amendment to the Housing Strategy also directs Administration to:   
    • Investigate options for expanded business licensing for residential landlords, including education requirements and a landlord registry, to improve landlords’ awareness of their responsibilities and reduce rental accommodation fraud.  

I was told by someone in Jason Nixon’s office that our shelters and transitional housing are not at full capacity. Is the Province aware of the City’s housing statistics?   

  • The Province funds organizations like the Calgary Homeless Foundation / Drop-In Centre.   
  • While shelters may not currently be at capacity, with a low rental vacancy rate, there is a real risk that demand for shelters rises and they are unable to help people from shelters back into the rental market.  
  • Not enough rental units at a suitable price point are available for many to re-enter the housing system from emergency shelters.  
  • This issue is likely to worsen as the weather gets colder and we head into Winter.  

Further reading:  

Will Council decide yes/no on blanket rezoning, or will there be the opportunity to selectively change what areas are rezoned?   

  • The approved Housing Strategy directed Administration to:   
    • Prepare the necessary bylaws to make the base residential district Rowhouse-Ground Oriented (R-CG) with guidance for single, semi-detached, row and townhouses into a single land use district.  
    • Complete City-initiated land use redesignations by Q2 2024 to R-CG as the base residential district across Calgary. 
  • Administration will begin this work by informing all affected landowners about the change.   
  • Next, the City will provide educational opportunities and legal notification process—similar to all other redesignations.  
  • Once the drafting work is completed by City planners, the rezoning would need to be approved by Council again, with current direction to complete by end of Q2 2024. A public hearing must be held where residents have another opportunity to provide feedback to Council.  
  • As the City-Wide rezoning will have the largest impact on reducing land speculation and the associated “land-lift” that is earned through redesignation, only doing it in certain areas would result in inequitable outcomes that are similar to the inequities present in today's system.   
  • Ending exclusionary zoning is also a requirement laid out by the federal government to access Federal funding for housing supports at the municipal level.   

How will you know if this strategy is working?   

  • Included in the Housing Strategy is an accountability and reporting methodology to determine if we’ve met our targets on the development of both market and non-market housing. Calgary’s Housing Solutions team will need to report yearly to council, with several mid-year check points over the next 10 years.   
  • A part of the original direction from Council was the creation of a Housing Commissioner to measure and report to council with recommendations to better improving housing affordability in Calgary, to hold to account the outcomes of the strategy, and to recommend adjustments as time goes on. This role is being developed.   

Secondary suites are included in R-CG. Will the land use bylaw be changed to include secondary suites towards density in units per hectare?   

  • Secondary and backyard suites do not count toward density because they are part of the primary dwelling unit and cannot be titled or sold separately from the primary dwelling unit.  
  • Depending on the land use district, different motor vehicle and bicycle parking requirements apply to a secondary or backyard suite.  
  • However, the rationale for counting secondary suites as density raises questions around utility. As secondary suites currently count toward the calculation for parking stall requirements in R-CG, changing them to dwelling units would not increase onsite parking.   
  • Secondary or backyard suites are required to share the waste and recycling solutions of the primary dwelling unit, and do not require their own additional waste, recycling, or compost bins.   
  • Utility capacity (wastewater etc.) does not utilize secondary suites in its calculations, but rather, population capacity on the main sewer line.   
  • When an RC-G is developed and the sewage line between the main city connector and the units is insufficient for the proposed development, the developer is responsible for upgrading sewage capacity. The main line only refers to population because it is based on a water and waste flow rate (think shower/flushes). 
  • Considering our sewage systems were built based on household populations higher than current levels, with significantly lower efficiency water appliances (toilets, showers), the capacity of the utilities is well suited to accommodate growth.   
  • Lastly, multi-family and multi-generational housing have existed, and will continue to exist, in all types of housing. Families have been living in the basement of single detached housing for as long as basements have existed. While I recognize the urge to count secondary suites towards density, doing so would unfairly limit townhome and rowhomes from being treated the way single detached and semi-detached have been treated. Any home can be multi-family and multi-generational.   

My community association building is a small building on a large piece of land that could be partly used for affordable housing and community amenities. How can I support this?   

  • This is an opportunity a few community associations have put forward. This is a conversation that would require extensive engagement with a community as many CA buildings are located in park land, and the proposal would have to be carefully considered in the context of the surrounding amenity, if applicable.   
  • These types of proposals can be pursued and supported by initiating a conversation with the Ward Office.   

Further reading:  

How does the Housing Strategy work with the Local Area Planning process? Will the local area plans still occur?   

  • Local Area Planning work will continue.  
  • Local Area Plans support neighbourhoods experiencing redevelopment by outlining:  
    • An overarching vision and core values to guide the evolution of the area over the next 30 years.   
    • A concept for where and how new development can be integrated into the neighbourhood over time (if/when development is proposed).   
    • Development policies to help realize great development in the area.   
    • Future local investment options to support growth and change.  
  • Local Area Plans should not be understood as guiding low-scale residential redevelopment.   

Rideau Roxboro was badly flooded in 2013 and there is no guarantee with changing climate impacts that this will not happen again. Why increase the density in this area?   

  • The City is not increasing density. Redevelopment is initiated by individual property owners.   
  • The recommendation to change the “base residential land use district to R-CG" is a city-wide initiative, not targeting any specific area or neighbourhood.   
  • Any development in the flood plain will undergo review as part of the development permit process. Many communities across the City have specific geographic qualities that are considered when undergoing redevelopment. Bowness for example where many forms of dense housing exist.   

Flood resilience is a priority for the City. Further reading:  

How will the Housing Strategy interact with the West Elbow LAP?   

  • There are only two aspects of the Housing Strategy that interact with the West Elbow Local Area Plan.  
  • R-CG redesignations as a base residential land use district  
  • A target for all LAPs (Local Area Plan) to aim for 15% non-market Housing.   
  • The two above mentioned aspects of the housing strategy are the core recommendations specific to LAPs and the Housing Strategy.   

What are the immediate, tangible outcomes of the newly approved Housing Strategy (immediate changes to zoning, new available funding, etc.)?   

  • Immediate actions include the creation of a $600,000 fund to support people struggling with first and last months' rent when an individual is unable to secure these funds to take possession of a new rental unit.   
  • Around $57million in new funding and an additional $24 million in capital funding will be debated in November as part of the budget process.   
  • Land is currently being procured for emergency shelter development for people experiencing homelessness, including family focused shelters.   
  • Advocacy to the provincial government for rent control, enhanced tenant rights, and for changes to the Municipal Government Act to remove provincial property taxes from non-market housing.   
  • In November, a $20 million fund will be debated that will allow for a land and housing acquisition fund that will create the opportunity for the City to pursue land for affordable housing outside of what we own, and to preserve market housing by purchasing real estate and potentially transferring it to our affordable housing partners for operation.   

Why R-CG?  

  • The reason the Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill District (R-CG) is proposed to be the base residential zoning across the city is that it allows for a range of home types, including single, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, row and town homes. Currently, the majority of residential parcels only allow for single-detached homes.  

Further reading: 

We are bracing for a hard winter with a massive uptake in new people at homeless-serving shelters. What can we do before the snow flies to get people housed faster?  

  • Support housing getting built in your neighbourhood.  
  • Support non-market housing getting built in your neighbourhood.  
  • Volunteer or support homeless-facing sector.  

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically.

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